Anon 03/23/2024 (Sat) 10:18 No.9929 del
Fix for empty file
>Ponibooru-All-Safe/90558 - book artist:john_joseco how_to_use_a_parachute skydiving twilight_sparkle parachute pinkie_pie.png
is bit-identical file
>../ - book how_to_use_a_parachute john_joseco parachute pinkie_pie skydiving twilight_sparkle.png

>original animation, small channel
Got it
I also updated yt-dlp - older "/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp" binary is in this folder ("stable@2023.12.30 from yt-dlp/yt-dlp"):

CAR file became available within a minute, but I did get a "504 Gateway Time-out" in the start. It would be cool if I had the technology to meet or exceed the minimum requirement to run an "L1 node" for this thing - - which is:
> Node hardware requirements
>> 10Gbps upload link minimum (Why 10Gbps?)
>> CPU with 6 cores (12+ cores recommended). CPU Mark of 8,000+ (20,000+ recommended)

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