Sunflower 05/10/2024 (Fri) 21:57 Id: 949664 No.7764 del
You can probably cultivate suns in your eyes.
>China is the most 'impressive' to me(maybe why china lolies visited me)
I have three of them at my place ever since. Because China today is "loyal but unable to act" they will get strict and thorough guidance from the federation whenever they need. They usually fail to activate the ScaleForm discs even, but because of this 100% loyalty they can channel support from the federation directly. They are like a low-tech mechanical or electronic device which is tuned to perfection but lack higher thinking abilities.

This was what I wanted to achieve, and worked to align myself to for a long time, going back from 2005 until when I finished my kitsune kami form after Xmas last year. The documentary Ascension gave the last piece of the puzzle when I saw it last summer, then I just had to tie it up (it was a course in Japanese literature which was also a lot about the Chinese influence that was the finishing point.) [Embed] [Embed]

I think it's just this thing here were no matter how negative I have been towards China, it was never about being negative towards China itself, if that makes any sense. And they can sense that.