Negotiations have failed 1/2 Ashley 04/28/2024 (Sun) 17:45 No.4092 del
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>we may need to pool funds

>She sighs and turns around to Ashley
>What is it that you desire?

Ashley speaks from a hurt perspective, drenched, sore from a night on the floor, doubted by Alice at every turn, thought of as a troublemaker for doing her best.
Listen, I appreciate what you did and what you gave me, I told you that. I'd have been eaten by an owlbear by now otherwise but that doesn't mean you own me. I owe you for room and board, for clothes and 10 gold for registration, fine. I have my own ID, I want to use any amount of that fund to pay you back, just tell me what I owe you beyond whatever you want to take from that chest, but after all that if you're saying I still owe you money, how am I supposed to think I'll ever get out from under this debt and then I'll have to find my own way to do that because how else can I?

If you call it even like what I think is very fair considering you said I could keep the outfit, next we need to talk about Alice. I know she's your friend and all, but her little snide comments to me are weighing me down. I tried to be nice, I tried to be friendly or haven't I?

Lastly, the room thing and equipment, I want to take care of myself, if I get something perfect and some coin of my own and you decide it needs to be "pooled for the greater good" than I'm not up for that. I'm also not up for the ascetic life. I'm no noble so I'm not going to be jingling around with platinum and all that but if I had my own funds I can take care of my own needs and safety. Isn't that fair?

>What are your goals?

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