Anonymous 07/28/2017 (Fri) 18:40:02 No.12650 del
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I'm saying more if they did allow transgenders in the military it's just a huge loophole to get out of shit potentially. I'm pretty sure women aren't allowed in roles that would be considered active combat roles but could be in roles that support active combat stuff and for all intents and purposes would be, but wouldn't get orders like, clear that fucking house out.

I wish I could remember it more specifically but someone had linked a story of a female pilot who was repeatedly reprimanded during training in the air force and ended up crashing a plane killing herself and at least one other but coming into the run away fast as shit on a practice landing for literally no reason, and a cover up ensued. I'm hesitant to stereotype anyone especially when I have no knowledge of the shit myself but when you read stuff like that and with women repeatedly failing at whatever special ops training and feminazis doubling down on their positions you can't help but think it's just a bad idea.