Anonymous 08/19/2017 (Sat) 10:49:57 No.12812 del
After people complain and say we're retrograde if we support separate school for boys and girls.

If the schools were still separated, none of these bullshit would happen. You should be just with your bros, focusing and school, and certainly not lusting around and wanting so badly anyone of them.
They stopped this system for a reason. If girls are more favored in college, there is a reason.

The secret my bros, is that we live in a woman's world. The whole society is in fact turned towards womens. The immediacy, the new social order, sentimentalism are definitively womens characteristics. The secret is that the whole feminists saying that womens have less right and are oppressed is in fact not just false, but it's the opposite.

What is the cause? Definitively the corruption of our fathers. We are the cause. If you want to change this shit system, you first have uncorrupted ourself, and be real men. And that my bros, is a very complicated path. You have to counter your own fathers influence, you have to search and know what a true man is. You have to not let your drown in the womens centered society. Not easy. You have to do better than your fathers, and that very complicated. If our fathers fell, and got corrupt, there is a reason. They're not just bad, or idiots.