Anonymous 01/03/2024 (Wed) 03:08 No.49339 del
Some semi-stupid comments on those videos:

Having a sexual interest in a 17.9999-year-old = "morally aberrant behavior and makes you a freak"
>I knew a man who was desperately lonely and looking for love. And I was the minor in that situation. The only difference is that, when he discovered that he was a whole decade older than me (27), he was like, "Yeah, sorry, this is weird, man." And that was the last time we spoke.
>That's how an adult handles that situation. He was a cool and respectful guy. He didn't give himself license to be a freak because "17 is 94% of 18" or some weird shit. You don't justify morally aberrant behavior with your own personal issues.
>Edit: grammar
>3 months ago (edited) | 3,574 likes

No one can have sex until everyone involved is age 25
>YanDev’s argument about the age of consent ironically supports it being RAISED, not lowered. By stating that there’s people older than 18 who aren’t emotionally and mentally prepared for intimate relationships implies laws need to be stricter and expand what legally counts as a minor, at least in terms of intercourse.

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