Anonymous 01/08/2024 (Mon) 05:01 No.49408 del
>why do I care what crap some JewTuber saws about whatever
I shouldn't. But he has a significant reach and I have some interest in the law and peoples' rights. Schizo idea: what if people like him are part of a psyop to normalize privacy-disrespecting technology in order for laws to be passed to get around encryption to "protect the children". And what does this guy do all day anyways? Talk about and play stupid video games then cover stupid drama, like about who's a pedo. He looks for CP-related stuff, he's the pedo. That's one possibility. Remember some Christian pastors who were really outspoken about homosexuality then turn out to be homos themselves? Other possibility: he's filling that "cybercrime"/"hacking" niche market in YouTube for money.