Businessperson 10/12/2017 (Thu) 18:46:46 Id: c7aa29 No. 38 del
(72.38 KB 1080x1200 roadmap.png)
(445.39 KB 1500x1600 wall-of-features.png)
Slack invite for you.
Also pics related are the official roadmap and features infographics (although it miss some features as it is old).
I hope you read my two screenshots in my original post too.
To be honest, I looked at literally all decentralized crypto marketplaces projects like Syscoin, Safex and Particl, and sadly they were all shitcoins that had either no released product or had HUGE flaws like centralization problems and depreciated tech like PoW.
Overall crypto to take off need what all economies need: COMMERCE!
And moreover it needs stability (including price stability) and security while not compromising DECENTRALIZATION.
And basically, Bitbay is the only one doing all of these rightfully, while having a good & reliable team, and an extremely great roadmap.
It is not vaporware, you can download the client and test it and you will see that overall it works as intended.
It still has much things to improve but they will deliver as they always did.
Bitbay also have a partnership with Blocknet, the first decentralized crypto exchange ever that has atomic trading.
Literally the future is being developed right there.
I am extremely bullish on it, especially as it is still very low marketcap so you can easily have tons of ROIs.
By 2018 It will have certainly moon. Comfy holding tbh anon.