Direction for the board Anonymous Board owner 01/30/2016 (Sat) 01:53:38 No. 1 del
(358.02 KB 1000x996 1450248739620.png)
Welcome to /cm/, your one stop shop for small portioned sausage meats.

Please come and leave your thoughts!
Should the board stick to the rules of the halfchan equivalent? (2D images, no porn)
Or should the board be different and in what way? (For instance, allowing porn?)

For now let's say keep it 2D and closer to the left on the feminine/shota to bara scale. (This is flexible within reason. One offs are fine especially in the context of discussion)
Spoiler porn.
Also furry should go towards >>>/furry/

Feel free to post lewds unspoilered. We'll see if there's any significant complaints from users about the overboard, which I doubt.
Edited last time by Enchi on 02/24/2016 (Wed) 03:58:29.