Welcome To /cog/ Anonymous 09/06/2019 (Fri) 04:56:15 No.1 del
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Welcome to /cog/, the board about Human Intelligence and general operation. This board is primary for the discussion of human intelligence and cognitive science, but also welcomes all biologically related topics and concepts, including, but not limited to: Neuroscience, Drug Enhancements, Cellular Science, Intelligence, Medicine, Physiology, Exercise, Genetics, and similar topics.

Rules include:
1)Global Rules. No illegal content, spam, or harmful content. Discussion of drugs, biohacking, and other "questionable" topics are allowed.
2)Discussion. This board is for the discussion of human intelligence and other biological concepts, leave /b/ in /b/. Low effort or duplicate threads will be deleted.
3)Other Topics. Leave complaints and suggestions in the Meta thread, and basic questions in the Simple questions thread.

Enjoy your stay!
If desiring to become a board moderator, leave posts within the Meta thread and await review.