YCH 01/14/2016 (Thu) 20:45:01 Id: 671107 No. 81 del
What I'm fearing is this.
>Boo hoo I'm just a token bunny
>they never give me a chance or show me respect
>fuck what they say, I can do anything they can do even though I'm significantly smaller and weaker. I'll show them!
>solves some huge problem through a method within her skill set/some talent she discovered
>we were totally wrong about you, nothing is outside your physical capabilities!!
>moral of the story is womyn rule! Womyn can do it all!

When it can be pretty good and not play political football teams.

>Boo hoo I'm just a token bunny
>they never give me a chance or show me respect
>fuck what they say, I can do anything they can do even though I'm significantly smaller and weaker. I'll show them!
>solves some huge problem through a method within her skill set
>you can't fully do the exact job we do, but you can offer a great deal in other ways. We should have looked for and taken you on for those skills and not to fill a quota
>thanks, and I shouldn't have been stubborn in trying to do everything in the exact same way as you. Now let's bust some crime.
>moral of the story is we can all do great things, but trying to be just like someone else to prove a point isn't the way to do that.

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