#OpRememberWhen Acid Man Board owner 05/20/2016 (Fri) 06:13:21 Id: 2905a8 No. 32 del
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I'm introducing a new Op, #OpRememberWhen, to attempt to get people back involved with this board again.

#OpRememberWhen /gamergatehq/ had nearly 2000 anons

We need to convince those people to come back. I've banned all of pogostick and all the boycott shills that pushed them all away. If we can show them that those burnouts are gone from this board, they will come back.

We all know the reason they were driven away, pogostick. Now that pogostick has been completely driven away from this board, we can hopefully convince them all to come back.

Don't listen to the shills claiming that it had anything to do with me that drove people away. I am just another anon like you guys.