GGHQ DRAMA AND OFFTOPIC DISCUSSION MEGATHREAD Anonymous 01/05/2016 (Tue) 06:24:48 No. 8 del
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This thread is a special cycled, infinite-posts thread for the purpose of keeping the board catalog tidy by containing gossip, drama, and shitposting.

What goes in this thread:

>Minor SJW news or stories that don't have national impact

>SJW issues that aren't games industry related and that are not operations or digging.

>Twitter gossip that doesn't materially affect #GG

>E-celeb or board drama of a personal nature

Warning: This thread may have content that is Not Safe For Work!

If you feel a thread has extraordinary merit that should be granted an exception from above, you can request a pass by posting it here and reporting the post for mod attention.

All other #GG related content is free to post on the rest of the board.

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