Anonymous 09/20/2018 (Thu) 06:38:32 No.2310 del
Jews have their watered down form in copying hellenic metaphysics but also at the same time failing to understand it from their perspective. They've stolen Pythagorean, Platonic, even Neoplatonic concepts and utterly misinterpret it and reinterpret it through various bullshit means.

If I recall corectly, "It" seized Nikola Tesla's stuff because he came from a country that's communistic or he known someone that's a communist. If you want to know about the history of electrical engineering and electrical theory, look up Eric P. Dollard, he makes a generally sufficient explanation but insufficient in certain areas concerning field theory which requires negative dialectics (kathodos, theoria apophasis, via negativa, neti-neti, "reductionism", retroduction)