Bernd 05/05/2024 (Sun) 16:40 No.51963 del
>Judaism as a religion
I don't remember that. In Civ 5 I know there were these empty religions, and one could pick various belief systems, which were essentially bonuses. I just picked Tengri and that's that.

I got a copy form a backup copy sharing site and played some. It is repetitive, but sometimes there are goals I don't think possible to achieve. I did not see any point in the factions, their pros and cons were just so bland, even after I got to know the mechanics, I just picked Atreides.
>they're still applying changes and I dont mean slight balance adjustments.
There was something I did not understand and tried to look for it, and they described something that wasn't in the game at all. Was weird.

It felt too dry for me. And that movie thing just don't do it for me at all.
>doctor Kynes to a black, young woman.
Oh yeah. I was liek what the fuck it's clear he's a dude in the book.