English Posting sage 07/07/2017 (Fri) 19:56:22 No. 91505 del
(104.80 KB 1366x768 computer building.png)
> spoofed fun.

Hmmm, so saving the webpage, then editing out the images that cause your system to go to shit? That's some serious dedication Jap anon. Well if you ever have money to splurge here's a useful website, and screencap taken from it.


It's a website people from 4chan's /g/ and /v/ built before 4chan went to shit with feminists and Gamergate. For the most part it's still a pretty reliable website with good info on it and debates about technology. You could also post on >>>/tech/, just know, not everyone will know Jap.

Sorry for not being able to help you much, see you 'round.