Reader 08/08/2017 (Tue) 17:07:45 Id: 2895f3 No. 1325 del
I don't consider the news I post to be "alt-right" or "tabloids", I am simply posting information from a variety of different news websites that is not often reported by the mainstream / state-run media. I refuse to be spoon-fed by a highly regulated industry (which is the TV and printing press). People have the right to see alternative information that may conflict with "official narratives." After all, that is what the press should be doing, questioning spoon-fed narratives.

I've lived a lot longer than most anons who lurk these image boards and I remember the days we had real press that asked uncandid questions, where the press were more frank or outspoken and the days where governments and corrupt institutions FEARED the press. Well thanks to the internet we still have that today and I welcome it.