Anonymous Board owner 02/05/2017 (Sun) 19:07:01 No. 17 del
> This is not a level of conviction that will listen to arguments - as you've yourself noticed it's a result of your experianced - so if it is to be rectified it will also be by experience

I love arguments. If you can give me any suggestions that can be implemented into the project, then I would love to hear them. I do not stick my head in the sand and I love constructive criticism.

> You have a point about group-think but you haven't properly identified the problem and you'll get caught in a never ending struggle against each new case of it's symptoms.

What is the problem, then? I don't think I'll have any issue struggling, identifying the issue is very easy to do.

Cheat sheet:
1: Does it disrupt discussion?
It's a maymay

2: Is it low-quality, or contribute nothing?
It's a maymay

3: Is it neither of the above?

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