Anonymous 02/25/2017 (Sat) 19:16:35 No. 5731 del

Also while I'm thinking about it, check your server tunnel for it's various settings, as they can affect site reachability tremendously.
Tunnel count: Higher count/backup == more reliable but also more bandwidth usage.

Hop length: Lower hops == less anon and slightly less bandwidth usage but much better reliability, speed and RTT/ping time.

Backups are for when a built tunnel in the count suddenly dies, 1 or 2 of these can be handy for reliability. They aren't used otherwise and I don't think they use much bandwidth. will have to ask

If you honestly don't want much anonymity for your server (since it's hosting the same site on clearnet anyway) you could probably go for a 1 hop tunnel with 3-5 count and 1 backup. 1 hop ensures that others connecting still have their anonymity from your end while making your site faster to use and 5 count/1 backup would make for excellent reachability but potentially higher bandwidth usage due to the 6 tunnels being built.

I forget what variance does but I remember having piss poor performance :^)

With the bandwidth profile, I would try either the interactive or the bulk to see which works the best. Here I would see bulk probably working better.

lastly that I can think of, there's the "Reduce tunnel quantity when idle". This will reduce the tunnel count (but not backups) when idle. If you turn it on, this'll reduce bandwidth usage with more idleness and not affect reliability much. Very worth it to turn on.

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