Anonymous 04/02/2018 (Mon) 05:09:41 No.1183 del
>The only thing that I seriously prohibit is someone claiming that they made it and then close sourcing it and patenting the technology.
What in Endware do you think is patentable?

>I might show up to court to challenge that, and I wouldn't need lawyers to back me up.
Why, are you a patent lawyer?

>Which clause wouldn't be enforceable?
>Which clauses do you object to?
If you want your software to be usable by everyone, say that, and just that. If you want your software to be usable everywhere, say that, and just that. By trying to create all of these silly, specific, pseudo-exhaustive lists, you open yourself up to the argument that if you left something out, it was intentional. For example:

>This program may be used by any living human being, any person, any corporation, any company, and by any sentient individual
You list corporation AND company. Gotta be thorough! But you left out partnerships. And sole proprietorships. If you went to the trouble of listing both corporation AND company, in addition to just saying "everyone", but you left out other business types, was there a reason for that?

Also, "sentient individual". Philosophers can't agree on what sentience is. Is there even a legal definition? And you only consider sentient individuals. What about sentient group-consciousnesses? Why wouldn't a "sentient individual" be considered part of "everyone"?

>This program may be used by any citizen or resident of any country, and by any human being without citizenship or residency.

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