Meme Druid 01/19/2016 (Tue) 08:02:16 Id: 357789 No. 27 del

I think we tend to look too much at our current predicament of white extinction and view it as the end all be all.

In reality this is just one more in a long series of challenges we've faced, and I believe in our destiny to overcome it. I don't view it as ragnarok, or view the gods' mythology to be analogies for what we're going through any more than the christcuck invasion and destruction of our native religions was ragnarok. I certainly saw the parallels, but I think these are timeless themes that will apply to many of the situations our folk will find themselves in.

While I don't limit myself strictly to the Germanic tradition, one of the incredible things about Norse theology in particular is that they knew that Earth was round and espoused the existence of other habitable worlds, thousands of years ago. It competes with Hinduism for some of the mindfuckingly accurate tidbits you can find. They espoused 5 terrestrial worlds, and 4 spiritual worlds. 9 (3x3) was the most important number in the religion.

To that end, I think the Dwarves are a real people (equals to hWhites) who live on their own homeworld. They are older cousins of man, with incredibly advanced technology that made gifts even for the Gods. I imagine them as less degenerate Eldar, if you're familiar with WH40k (lel LARPing, but all the elf and dwarf mythologies do come from the Norse religion and are echoes of a long half-forgotten revealed truth).

If I were to editorialize my own meaning onto the dream (which I am unsure has any meaning to begin with; there was lots of random shit like flying through a black void of floating islands surrounded by swarms of glowing blue moths), then I would say the meaning is that we need to get our shit together and go help the Dwarves ourselves. No matter what they're like, I believe they exist. We certainly cannot wait for the Gods. Like I said I don't even venerate Odin.