"jewish relativism" Gaulish Polytheist 03/18/2018 (Sun) 15:38:22 Id: ed0d71 No.34 del
"An oath is not just a promise, it's a promise to your Gods. Subjective morality is popular among Christcucks and those infected with Jewish relativism. However among natural peoples who have retained their Humanity, to break an oath debases yourself like eating shit in front of a crowd. No one can respect you or tolerate you as part of their community after that. If you're okay with it, then have at it, but it's not the same as breaking a promise or being deceptive. It's to be an intolerable faggot that ought be banished at BEST."

Jews invented moral relativism? The ignorance of the alt-right is surprising. Quite the contrary, Jews actually invented (along with others) moral absolutism. They are one of the inventors of monotheism as well. All have been disastrous blights upon this fair earth.