Anonymous 04/21/2017 (Fri) 15:56:13 Id: 8c493a No. 39506 del
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what i also like to add is jim has replaced the moderation of boards with SJW jews
and anchored /leftypol/ to his board

/leftlypol/ = facebook/reddit/4chan/google

if you would be the site owner why would i allow to anchor /leftypol/ on your site? leftypol is literately google
they own all the media and tv and yet you allow them to bypass your site?
that makes no sense to me

i also found out the moderation of boards like /b/ was replaced with jewish individuals who even make fun of some of its visitors by banning specific people
this basically means 4chan = 8chan
(pic related SJW mod from /b/ isnt even hiding it)