Anonymous 04/29/2017 (Sat) 12:53:30 Id: bc908f No. 40125 del
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As opposed to shills, goons are simply people from shitposting websites that destroy political discussion by shitposting, their actions are usually motivated by trolling and not politics, it was used to refer to anyone from places like SomethingAwful, /int*/, /qa/, SRS, freech, goonsaloon e.t.c. e.t.c.
Kampfy did a 180 on the term by creating a false narrative that goons are people who are distant from the juvenile "chan culture" and that anime scares them off (he probably got his inspiration from the "jews fear the samurai" meme), and by the new definition goons are people who are "triggered" by smug anime prepubescent girls. Today everyone who complains about the 10 anime threads in the catalog is an evil goon who doesn't understand that sophomoric japanese culture is infinitely superior to white cultures (on a supposedly adult white nationalist website)

In todays 8gag where the original userbase is banned nobody even knows who goons are, weebs and mods just use the term to namecall anyone who doesn't think that cartoons for pedophiles, children and manchildren made by people of foreign race and filled with jewish propaganda is a thing that adults should watch.