Anonymous 04/29/2017 (Sat) 16:23:10 Id: bc908f No. 40134 del
This sounds EXACTLY like Russia and probably everywhere outside of Northern America/Western Europe/Australia too
I think the jews either have a different plan for Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa e.t.c. or these countries are just harder to subvert.
You only see the lighter version of all the cultural marxist propaganda in Russia, Japan and other countries, degeneracies are still mostly considered immoral over there e.t.c.
The race thing is even harder, it's obvious that they want to racemix slavs and east asians too but their countries are less accepting of outsiders, especially eastern asians.

tl;dr jews either have different plans for the west and the east or the plan is the same, simply eastern people respect traditions more and are harder to crack.