Anonymous 05/01/2017 (Mon) 05:48:30 Id: 24fdc2 No. 40369 del

This problem also happened with 4chon if you were around that long.

When the mods dont have the time to take care of a increasingly relentless shill base the userbase can't stop them and needs the moderation.

Mods are recreuited from dumbfuck iirc fucks who sit there and just chat, never demonstrate loyalty or even ideological purity to the board. theyre just recruited as 'extra help'

the new 'help' then in turn get rid of a mess they theyselves created, and show great usefulness to a mod who will be soon disposed as he now frees up his own time to do irl shit that caused the spam to be overrrun in the first place

the new 'help' takes complete control, outs the old mod, and begins a slow but deliberate and maticulous process of de-radicalization and destruction of the board culture, idology, and banning major oldfags who would lead a resistance/be replacements for the 'help' of the kikemods

final stage (where 8pol is in now) after major subversion has been used to acomplish political objectives (shilling for OBVIOUSLY ZIONIST POLITICAL CANIDATES) and using the now dumb newfags to be meatfodder/labor for the jews aims, they begin destruction of the board via the very spambots they used to attack it initially. this leads to the board culture being completly wiped with little to no trace of its original culture the oldfags had through love and pain built in their sheltered community.

The moral of the story is we need a new moderation system, never recruit mods from irrc fags or mod applications, lets the userbase moderate itself and to always stay loyal to oldfag culture that we built

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