Anonymous 05/03/2017 (Wed) 21:09:10 Id: 8100aa No. 40672 del
(583.49 KB 1897x2090 FourthSubversion.jpg)
(228.95 KB 1792x1080 ImKikeyIsAmassiveFaggot.jpg)
(859.32 KB 1920x2211 SecondSubversion.jpg)
(704.35 KB 1904x1731 ThirdSubversion.jpg)
Pay close attention to the "ImKikeyIsAmassiveFaggot.jpg" He was in the thread against him on 8/sudo/, saying endchan is da jews. In his subversion against the truth about Trump, he used his sockpuppets to troll the ever living fuck out of the threads until he got tired and deleted them.