Anonymous 05/25/2017 (Thu) 19:56:49 Id: 8100aa No. 44238 del
I'm not "mature". Every 90s kid was calling each other faggots before it became trendy with 4cuck faggots. I've forgotten way more about imageboard culture than you know. The truth is, I do forget unimportant bullshit. That whole line about 4cucks starting imageboard culture? alt.binaries had the exact same capabilities, completely unmoderated. Image posts alongside text, the same as modern imageboards, when some claim Moot started it. He didn't, as I said before. Those old boards permitted way more images per post. People even shrugged off pedo shit. It was too frequent, but there was no Fed scare back then. Shitposting and trolling didn't exist. We had little trouble with anyone causing issues. They came to certain binaries to actually discuss the topics they were meant for. Novel idea, isn't it? You wouldn't have anyone coming into a National Socialist binary to say "Hitler was a jew!" "Hitler was a Rothschild!" "you guise are cucked for Jewsus!" (especially while outing themselves later they are for Christianity). Trolling is cancer the 4cucks definitely came up with. For the lulz, "trick's on them I was only pretending to be retarded". These days, it's ridiculous. We didn't have the massive level of subversion that 8/pol/ has now, either. Nobody talked shit about Natsoc elders, be they Hitler, George Lincoln Rockwell, Himmler, Mengele, Goebbels or Goering. Especially not Hitler. Tell them something was a forgery deceptively lying about what any of them said, and quote the link, they usually said "Oh." and dropped the fucking subject. I realize all this amounts to "Damn kids! Get off my lawn.

Anyway, how pissed is Superman? Now that the Saudis have his globe from Krypton. Images showing my age again