Anonymous 08/18/2017 (Fri) 03:37:23 Id: efc010 No. 51745 del
There is absolutely nothing wrong with my wife or my children. They're home-schooled, and definitely know many the truths of history already. I won't let them take part in the indoctrinational lies of public (or private) education. What most men on the fast track to divorce don't realize is how they let themselves be bored with their women, don't liven things up, and stop satisfying them. Keep a woman satisfied and connected to her children, she won't leave. The CEOs of nearly every major media group are jewish. Allow her to sit around and watch that man-shaming and race-mixing shit on television, and she'll quickly become a stupified cunt beyond your control. Morning cackling whore programs alone will fuck her up. TV will do the same to your children, should you ever stop being an angry virgin and find a cock sleeve. Your problem is the same as those who are black-pilled. You're giving in, letting them win.