Anonymous 11/19/2023 (Sun) 08:28 Id: 4c429d No.91689 del
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>The next false flag may be blamed on Iran, Syria, Yemen, Turkey etc
I have my cards on syria if at all it will be blamed on nation and not on something the zog enabled in first place in any nation where kalergi plan or replacement migration is rampant.
I can imagine zog will pull some economic terorrism (ie where attacks are aimed on economic damage than killcount) and make it like hamas or any guerilla against jewery did that in order to instill terror even to their puppets in a fashion like provisional IRA did in old times

>I don't know the full extent of brainwashing of most Americans
From far i can tell (last time checked in 2022) isint the morale on crushing low due to the rising poverty?
You expected jews to be honest on anything that is work in progress
Or even to have some humility during their moments of hamaya tactics?

>For some reason those dumbasses forgot to distract the public and now they're front page news. They didn't even provide "current thing" for the NPCs to focus on this time

I think they played themselves in their own pilbul as they made an conflict of interests after convincing people on myth of "war refugees" during the start of replacement immigration where they rather would not support those who hurt the natives
And its geniuenly funny that they got such a vibe check.