Anonymous 04/06/2024 (Sat) 20:18 Id: 3ae5d6 No.93117 del
>Did the Irish see the British as a generally stupid government to be laughed at or as a genocidal but sinister or cunning enemy
A sinister force as i never ever saw in history that genocide was done out of silliness or stupidity rather than evil intentions
And thats what many people refuse to aknowledge that these people know what they are doing and they know it well how to do it,and not that they are stupid and not aware of what they are doing

IRA was just an yet another outcome of irish determination to survive this sinister force which was rotschilds british empire proxy and altrough they didnt win northern ireland they at least showed that memory of blood and will to live is an undefatigable spirit

These people should not ever bother to tslk about matters as often their whole worldview is based on hedonism and eye of tornado comformity
Its not 1950s anymore we are facing extermination policies and not some hocus pocus of who had better grades in uni