Anonymous 11/04/2019 (Mon) 03:59:03 No.30446 del

Getting real fed up with this to be honest. Worse, I think the issue isn't that we are being silenced online, as much as the personal guilt that we aren't doing fucking ANYTHING about it, which is why it will continue to keep happening to us. This thread is NOT a call to violence. Instead it's really a question and a discussion I want answered from others in the community who may be able to shed some light. So if you got some input on this, let me know.

My question to you: Is our general inaction causing this? I see Muslims, anti-fa, the left, and those in power getting ALL of what they want and getting away with it. They will destroy lives of innocents, violate our rights, and make off with ill gotten gains. The difference between them and us is they physically attack us and our rights.

Let's be frank for a moment or on this thread. We are only relying just on Q and prayers. Well you know what? It's starting to look damn stupid at this point that we do not have a general Winter Contingency plan cooked up in case they fail. 2 years after Q, and we have no public perp walks and arrests to vindicate us, a continued degradation of our rights, our communities online being decimated (8chan/8kun/4chan comped/etc), and offline we are being physically attacked.

I'll be honest with you, when Q started up, I didn't think within 2 years we'd have 8chan and other alternatives taken down effectively. I had real hope, I still kind of do. I'm taking inventory right now and trusting the plan is backfiring on us chan users HARD even if the normie Qanon follower isn't being effected. Some of you are newfags. For those of us who have been in this shit for more than a decade will tell you something is rotten in the state of denmark. If 8kun comes back up, it's guaranteed to be Ok Boomer central.

We need to take a serious look and see how much we have been fucked over. From the cucking of 4chan, to the Highland Forums Group, to the take down of chans doing shit that was fine a decade before the fucking sjw movement.


Time to get a Winter Contingency plan up.