Anonymous 09/30/2019 (Mon) 04:41:43 No.7354 del

Posted byu/shredzorz
1 day ago
The 'whistleblower' is Ezra Cohen-Watnick, an ex intern for Joe Biden
I have it outlined and sauced here how and why Ezra Cohen-Watnick is the whistleblower.

So, reports have come out that the whistleblower was briefly working in the whitehouse on the National Security Council. Watnick fits the bill here since he started in the NSC in Trump's whitehouse until McMaster fired him

According to the New York Times the complaint derives from a male who was a former CIA operative on assignment within National Security Council (NSC), who left the White House and returned to the CIA:

The whistleblower's lawyer also happens to be Mark Zaid, who also happens to be Watnick's lawyer.

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