Sunflower 05/19/2024 (Sun) 12:22 Id: fea48d No.7834 del
All of this is way beyond normal discussions.

It seems the reason Gensokyo recognized Christian Ritual, Islam and Shinto as the only 3 religions on future Earth, is their ability to have wide support and to perform a ritual which creates a connection to a super nova beyond the galactic level, something on the plane of Barracudas, the large fish swarms which wander far out in space. (Not actual fish, but the space aquatics mentioned before.)


After seeing that NY worked like a sigil, with energy being accepted when dropped on it, I tried the same thing on Tokyo back then. Someone on /x/ made a post about Tokyo being the most evil place on the planet, because
>it's void of anything but materialism, like they are investing all of their energy into the city itself
and he described it as a kind of ritual.

At the time I ignited the dark energy gathered there and saw it being used up and turn light, after which an image of a miko appeared. Nothing more of note happened, but I saw yokais watching from afar/above and they seemed to silently agree with the procedure.

That was how it was meant to be used. The city itself is a shinto temple.

Islam also has a massive large scale construct like this, meant for creating the califate, which is not just a secular organization, but is intended to achieve this standard. Same for Christianity as a whole.

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