Sunflower 05/19/2024 (Sun) 22:20 Id: fea48d No.7835 del
There isn't even any meme to post, and the art is bad.

I find myself dropping animes halfway like never before. Not because they're downright bad, they're just not interesting anymore after the initial plot points where explained. They say something, but not enough to fill an entire season. Exception: Sword Art Online. I watched all of it all the way through Alicezation because it kept having something to say, something tickling my awareness by showing me new connections.

This year, half of those I started don't fill a first season with content.

I've noticed something, a key which was given to me when taking a course in Japanese literature last autumn. "Back then" most writers were women, because hiragana was created for them, women were not allowed to learn kanji. With the difficulty of learning kanji and the lack of interest among men for learning "women's writing", most of what was published ended up being silly stories written by housewives, for housewives. They were living in an open air prison, cut off from any genuine experiences and protected against all physical dangers. This lead to them taking note of small changes in nature and within their own minds and emotional states. It created the narrative for how storytelling still sounds in Japan. This transferred over to anime, and lead to the childish "lacking experienced of life" style of expression which permeates most of what is still produced, with an overemphasis on the inner workings of the characters feelings in a situation where action would normally be demanded.

Typical examples would be (taken to extremes but still valid in form) things like presenting Adolf Hitler as "a person who had a complex for being short". It's a joke, but it's also exactly the kind of thing a woman with no understanding of politics may see as the important element of his character. Being physically short, he had to compensate by becoming a political leader. It personalizes, humanizes the character description, and this way of working is excellent in anime.

What was originally "just silly and childish", has created a style which preserves an observational ability aimed inwards rather than being lost in materialism.