Sunflower 05/19/2024 (Sun) 23:24 Id: 3e1480 No.7839 del
>be me
>normal awakening wizard
>posting too intently kills either laptop or server
>fine I will stop abusing poor little endchan 8chan looks more stable
>post too long like usual
>write one last post before sleep
>503 backend error
>come to this site complaining
>halfway the post have a feeling I should check
>now it works

I have to post less and continue a meditation routine again.
A mindset where I don't invoke my powers while posting. This "my magic evolves with me" "meditation is a mindset ever present" thinking is nice but I have see what I am doing and not flick a switch without noticing all the time

>That was how it was meant to be used. The city itself is a shinto temple.
There were several "gate of Gods" "Passageway of spirits" gates like the Shinto gate in the past even in Europe but they were deemed pagan and was remodeled or destroyed. The energetic structure is there but very few can walk it nowadays. Shinto is literally paganism and not an unified system. Walking from one god's realm to the next. The journey. Monotheistic cultists cannot comprehend going to an "another temple" when they have THE TEMPLE (at home).

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