Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 23:34:27 No.10046 del
Here's my story.
At first it started as autism when I was using tor, but after a while I enjoyed viewing websites like actual documents.

I just opened chromium to use a javascript heavy site. I have ublock origin and umatrix configured, plus most settiings manually set so I can lock down the browser except javascript because that's the only thing I use it for.

Once I opened the site, I clicked somewhere out of sheer muscle behaviour, a small pop-up in the right corner appeared even though I have them disabled, then it maximized itself, then a new tab appeared, when trying to close the tab I was asked if I was sure I want to close the tab by chromium and when i closed the pop-up the entire browser crashed.

I can't handle this shit. Once qutebrowser gets whitelisting capabilties thanks to the new config rework maybe I'll whitelist some sites I visit really often but fuck all other sites.