Anonymous 07/09/2017 (Sun) 23:49:09 No.10129 del
The problem with the "tech industry" is exactly the same as what we see in music, film, games etc. Large corporations have taken a grip in the industries and are refusing to innovate. Stagnation in a monopoly is much easier for them to maintain dominance rather than be outperformed by a newcomer. Young innovations and new ideas are simply bought and buried before consumers gain knowledge of them. They are allowed to do this by the governments who, over decades, have given them such a monopoly that they are now too big to fail. If they were simply allowed to fail without being propped up, the U.S. and related governments fear it might destabilise their unbacked currency.

Win10 is just another step towards total control.

The only hope is that consumers have much more control over businesses than they do over the government. If consumers could rally to use their purchasing power to support real innovators, perhaps smaller independents then the entities that have us in their death grip could be felled.