Anonymous 11/05/2016 (Sat) 06:01:44 No.7300 del
Ok, let's just get into it for a moment:

"The first part of the Solaris code base to be open sourced was the Solaris Dynamic Tracing facility (commonly known as DTrace), a tool that aids in the analysis, debugging, and tuning of applications and systems. DTrace was released under the CDDL on January 25, 2005 on the newly launched website.[15] The bulk of the Solaris system code was released on June 14, 2005. There remains some system code that is not open sourced, and is available only as pre-compiled binary files."

So, the point is: the original code is not on Illumos. Part of the code has been released, but many parts has been re-engineered, that's what Indiana Project is, to reconstruct Solaris, open source.
What's your point?
I was wrong in some parts, yes. And you are wrong too.

>I knew exactly who you were.
Of course you knew, I'm the only one fag that still post in here! I don't bother hidding my typing style from you people, I know you know it's me when I type.

>over and over and over.
actually I only discuss openbsd here with you, it seems. Most part of the threads here I don't even mention openbsd.
But, yeah, I really support the project because: FSF take hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. OpenBSD guys can't even pay for the energy, and they contributed for computing security equally or more than linux dudes in many areas. Redhat and Cisco, for example, use OpenSSH on their systems and don't even donate some coins. Don't you think it's ridiculous? FSF deffend transgender fags and take mountains of money, OpenBSD do hard on security community and can't even pay for the fucking energy.

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