Anonymous 06/24/2017 (Sat) 21:55:43 No.8606 del
>All he wants is a way to make the Linux kernel proprietary
He just wants to stick with the GPLv2 because of feuds with some free software people (and not even the FSF staff).
When tivoization appeared people proposed a new draft of the GPL (v3) the license wasn't even a year old draft and Torvalds read it and immediately removed the + of the GPLv2 license that was at that time the license (most of the drivers are still GPLv2+ tho).
What happened are actually linux kernel developers who protested to Torvalds.
Torvalds told them to BTFO because the "draft" GPLv3 license was horrible.
And shit discussions stacked itself for at least two or three weeks until we got the actual State of things where Torvalds don't want to talk about or with free software people.

But he's right about one thing the two or three SJWs in the FSF are crazy and should be impeached for the shit they might steer.

nah he's just a stubborn idiot guy who holds a decade old grudge because of a draft license.

>GPL is Marxist shit and the FSF has done nothing ever asides from try to spread their control over free software

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