I love answering quesrtions Joy the DM 03/09/2024 (Sat) 16:31 No.3460 del

>wheres everyone holding or carrying equipment?

If you look at the "worn equipment" on the character sheet,
I've attempted to immersively only put things in places that make sense, like giving Alice's PJ's pockets and giving Cat an adventurer's backpack. You too have a backpack, albeit a smaller one. If that backpack becomes "full" (by weight only) then you will have to give things to Cat to stow. In these games, it goes one of two ways, loot is a pooled asset list and divided later or individuals look out for themselves at the time the loot is acquired. In the latter case, those individuals need ways to stow the items, like pockets, bags, pouches, and backpacks (or carts). In Alice's case she has limited pockets (where her darts are now) and otherwise she's carrying the items, like her spear. You can carry things loose while walking as well but not while climbing and you have to drop it for an encounter and remember to pick it back up.

>can weapons be attached to clothes or backpack instead of holding them all the time?

If you look, even your mace is (STRAPPED TO PACK). Then look at the inventory from an earlier post, that hasn't changed.


The exception is a coin purse, everyone will have that regardless if they have pockets or not. At worst it's looped on a string over the shoulder like a women's purse, but you do not have to manage it and it carries infinite coins (for this campaign.) though it is an actual thing that can be lost or stolen. As a note, in this campaign the coin is weightless but in a survivalist campaign, 10 coins weight a pound which can be difficult to accumulate a lot of wealth and take it with you which is why there are banks in large cities and also a lot of options to trade in for instance 1sp for 10cp or even 1pp for 10gp, and it continues up through mp, op, and ap though those coins are not used for purchasing and must be exchanged to use.

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