Anonymous 10/11/2017 (Wed) 00:47:26 No. 11277 del
I would love gaming trends, if the stuff I like ever had the good fortune to become a trend. Even copycats tend to focus on the exact wrong things even if they're mostly similar, so my favorite games end up being anomalies among their kind like Chrono Trigger and Majora's Mask. Shortness is probably a major factor because even with good basics I can get picky about the scope being too big, like technically Majora's Mask has a lot of PC competitors that do essentially the same thing but lose some of the magic for being massive and less contained. It didn't hurt Witcher 2 and 3 but most games like Fallout just get all over the place and I'd prefer all the events were just spread out over 5 separate games, with different set of bugs to agonize over.