Anonymous 03/17/2016 (Thu) 01:48:57 No. 349 del
(787.55 KB 480x560 geoduck20x12.bmp)
(90.87 KB 328x400 twitch.gif)
It's completely made in C, so must be pretty easy to do. If you know C.
For tilesets, I personally liked Geoduck's a ton.

Story potential might be stumped by the fact that Nethack is more mechanic than verbose, but it creates some great memories.
>One of the few Wizard runs
>Have a couple of unidentified wands
>Find a gnome
>Test wand #1
>It turns into a yellow dragon
>Duke it out with the spawn of my stupidity
>On the verge of death after a while
>Fuck it, let's see what Wand #2 does
>It's a wand of sleep
>Too afraid of waking it up to attack it
>Just leave the fucker there