vamp 05/11/2024 (Sat) 21:44 No.67514 del
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By what you are describing it feels like we are on two different planets. I have never claimed I was confident with my looks, furthermore I have never been comfortable with my appearance and cant get to see myself being more than a 2/10 considering I have too many flaws.
>im really not trying to be mean to you vamp
>proceeds to say the meaniest unhinged thing ever to someone.
I dont get you people. What joy does this bring? Making your own delusional lore on the way how I percieve myself and trying to bring my self-esteem lower than it is by completely destroying it. However, no I am not going to cut myself because you are being mean to me If thats the case you're trying to put me in.
I really hope you reflect in the future and find joy in other things that are more beneficial on your mental health. Making others feel bad about theirselves isn't the way and its stupid behavioue. Consider picrel :3 ^_^ >.<