Anonymous 05/16/2024 (Thu) 03:23 No.68261 del
It seems that Ashley will have to live with the result of her narcissism at different stages in her life in the past

I don't care about anything else that leaks about her, I tried to attenuate this for months by talking to people trying to persuade some and I had some successes, and you, you idiot, you were the biggest responsible for things getting to this current situation. you were stupid and left your license plate showing for everyone to see, you and some of your friends did this (several times in different photos).
Before making your statement and posting you should have planned to stay off the internet for at least 6 months, and what did you do? In the same week as the statement, you already posted a video on your page good*ce...
What should you have done?
Maybe at least y ou should not lie so much in your statement, posting that shit and only responding to a few things and nothing more. After that, you should close your social midia for at least 6 months and work to take down your old accounts.
But you had the brilliant idea of going to discord TWICE and doing more damage to yourself. I thought you were much more intelligent
Not to mention that some of your white knights fought this in the worst way, further fueling all this

It seems like you can't get out of the game