Lindsey Graham Says Israel Should Use Nukes to Preserve Jewish Regime Reader 05/13/2024 (Mon) 01:39 Id: 137e68 No.22547 del
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The homosexual traitor Lindsey Graham was rambling on Meet the Press today about how Israel should use nukes to preserve the Jewish regime. He was effectively calling for nukes to be used and Gaza and even the Samson Option to be exercised. One Twitter/X user implied that Graham would enjoy it greatly if Israel stuck one of their nukes up his gay asshole. He is probably correct and I find no fault with his analysis.

This is obviously quite an extreme statement from the homosexual cocksucker Graham. It is really quite incredible that those who want peace and an end to the Jew-led genocide in Gaza are labeled as the extreme ones. I’m actually fine with nuclear war if it is to end the Jewish international regime as it exists today. I am however very much against nuclear war if the intent of it is to preserve the Jewish international regime that Graham represents. Either way, Graham is just an insane faggot and one can only imagine the type of blackmail material the Mossad has on him. The more geopolitical power ZOG loses the more unhinged and crazy his statements are becoming.