Anonymous 05/13/2024 (Mon) 07:11 Id: f4b83e No.93675 del
(109.55 KB 503x650 1714827238016993.jpg)
>l Salvador doesn't even bow down to the Nigger Jew Dollar Cult anymore LOL
Central bank faggot
>Oh yea Don't forget my Nigger Kim in North Korea
Another central bank and also dick suckingnof ccp worthless central bank loaned yuan
>Bbut no rotschild
Central bank
>Lots of Nations are done with the Jewish Dollar and no longer use it.
I take a bullshit that never happened for 500 milion weimar marks
>Why you want to keep the DEAD MYTH alive that the dollar is essential for life in the USA is a fancy Jewish Lie to keeps white in the NIGGER JEW DOLLAR CULT ECONOMY

Its not a myth its a logic thinking and seeing that bullshit only has a value because its permitted to be converted from dollar to monero and vice versa
Monero isint printed as an compensation unit for work done or goods produced its just gold standart with nothing i can physicsly hold with conversions into it
And also just to mention mining it without spending a single dime (where did i saw this inflatory bubble?)
>But farmers use monero
Because these can be converted to dollars when i cannot find any reports for this and only what i know that monero is favourite crypto in crime world

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