Anonymous 05/10/2024 (Fri) 03:36 No.67064 del
(4.86 MB 426x240 23412.mp4)
This ain't fucking funny my friend
Now go cut the tail off a gopher and eat it huh, go catch some botulism and die
It has everything to do with what a certain fagget was talking about
Now if he ain't you why don't you sit on a sand paper poll
It probably is my friend, things change over time speaking patterns are a little different what not
But over all I really give less of a shit now than I did back then
So I say ah fuck em
But that little shit, he crossed a line, he thought he could scare me out of a hole and talk abought alot of shit I have no idea
Fuck em
Hope you're doing well though my friend, I've really gotta find that password again so I can speak to my good ol friends
I know I left a few of you holding the bag and I am sorry about that
The least I can be in genuine