Reader 05/06/2024 (Mon) 13:43 Id: df15da No.22533 del
This is all true, but there are still some very bleak long-term problems we all face, even in most rural areas across the country (outside some secluded mountains 2 hours drive away from any population maybe but that's only 0.01% the population if that).

#1. I do garden, I even have a greenhouse. Even with all that, our yearly yield is enough to feed me and my family for only about a month, maybe 4 or 5 weeks if rationed. What about the rest of the year though? There is only so much extra food we can safely store long-term and it all needs to be rotated.

#2 Even if you are prepared with enormous supplies, say for two years worth even, what happens when you and your family are outnumbered by violent marauders/looting niggers? How long can you last while being mob attacked and targeted for looting?

Believe me, even though we are prepared for hard times, there is unquestionably real threats that this nation faces as it continues to demise. Rampant crime has already spread to many suburban areas. It's only going to get worse unfortunately and the destabilization will spread further and further out as time goes on.

Time will tell what happens.