Are YOU Ready For The Unstoppable Rise In Metal, Oil and Food Prices? Reader 05/07/2024 (Tue) 12:56 Id: 9264f6 No.22536 del
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Are YOU Ready For The Unstoppable Rise In Metal, Oil and Food Prices?

Of course, it helps that the current ever expanding war (COVID clot shots being the opening salvo) has now gone increasingly kinetic as Israel bombed the Iranian embassy in Syria (an act of war by international standards), followed by the Iranians lobbing a few drones their way.

We’ve got European dolts ramping up to go to battle with the Russian bear, Western politicians and 'leaders' thinking they can isolate Russia (a major nuclear and industrial superpower!), but then the Israelis have figured out that the obvious loss of this Ukrainian war (those still believing that Ukraine is winning being solely of the “CNN is the truth” mindset — in other words lobotomised) puts them in an awkward position.

You see, they are surrounded by enemies and supported by the mighty US military. That military is proving itself a tad weak now. Failing to quell the African states breaking away from the clutches of Western powers, and now the aforementioned obvious failure in Ukraine.

So what is Netanyahu to do? He’s hated domestically, and his reputation now hinges on defeating Hamas, but defeating Hamas I’d argue is practically impossible. But men backed into corners tend to make completely irrational decisions, and so here we are. The Israelis possibly figure that they need to destroy Iran and their enemies now, before the US loses all its credibility and fighting prowess.

The issue, of course, is that both Russia and China see that as problematic for them and will step in to support Iran. This is already happening. That useless rag the Washington Post called it a “desperate alignment.”

A distraction that’s needed to divert attention from the fact that the Russkies are solidly winning that war.

All of this is obviously positive for the price of metals, oil, and most anything in the supply chain.

Here’s the thing, though, and I don’t mind sticking my neck out on this. To my way of thinking there is no chance, zero, none, nada that with the open borders in the US (for years now) there aren’t entire battalions sipping Starbuks lattes on US soil. Battalions of who, you might say?

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